Watch the official video of "Nilamanaltharikalil" song from 'Kismath', an upcoming Malayalam movie starring Shane Nigam, Shruthy Menon, Vinay Forrt, P. Balachandran, Sunil Sukhada, Alencier Ley, Sajitha Madathil among others. Written and directed by Shanavas K. Bavakutty. Produced by Shailaja Manikandan under the banner of Pattam Cinema Company in association with Collective Phase One. Muzik247 is the official music label.
Song: Nilamanaltharikalil
Singers: Harishankar K.S & Shreya Raghav
Lyrics: Rafeeq Ahammed
Music: Sumesh Parameswar
Flute: Josy Alleppey
Tabla & Dolak: Anand
Strings: Francis Xavier, Francis Sebastian, Herald, Jossukutty (Cochin Strings)
Guitars & Bass: Sumesh Parameswar
Recording & Pre-Mix Engineer: Binil Eldhose (NHQ)
Mixing Engineer: Vijay V.V (NHQ)
Mastering Engineer: Kiran Lal ( NHQ)
Recorded , Mixed & Mastered at NHQ Studios
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