Here is the official trailer of Pinneyum (Once Again), an upcoming Malayalam movie starring janapriyanayakan Dileep and Kavya Madhavan. The film also marks the return of renowned director Adoor Gopalakrishnan who has not done any films for the past eight years. It is after five years that Dileep pairs with Kavya Madhavan. Nedumudi Venu, Vijayaraghavan, baby Akshara Kishore, etc. too appear in prominent roles. The movie Pinneyum is a family entertainer that speaks about love, romance, and all the about the bond between family members. The film is scheduled to be released on August 18.
Pinneyum | Official Trailer | Dileep, Kavya Madhavan, Adoor Gopalakrishnan |
Here is the official trailer of Pinneyum (Once Again), an upcoming Malayalam movie starring janapriyanayakan Dileep and Kavya Madhavan. The film also marks the return of renowned director Adoor Gopalakrishnan who has not done any films for the past eight years. It is after five years that Dileep pairs with Kavya Madhavan. Nedumudi Venu, Vijayaraghavan, baby Akshara Kishore, etc. too appear in prominent roles. The movie Pinneyum is a family entertainer that speaks about love, romance, and all the about the bond between family members. The film is scheduled to be released on August 18.
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